Diversity in Broadcast Journalism

John Dills, Staff Writer

Diversity refers to the inclusion of persons who are a part of different social classes, religions, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities and genders. The inclusion of persons of color in broadcast television has increased extremely in the last four years, each year breaking a new record on the total number of persons of color working in a newsroom. 

With the inclusion of persons of color (POC), inclusion has been felt by those who are welcoming their local news stations into their homes. According to the World Economic Forum, many people prefer diversity in the newsroom since it makes them feel like their voices are being heard because they are a part of a community the broadcaster comes from.

Many newsrooms have gone as far as making statements about their commitment to diversity, such as National Public Radio. NPR currently has its diversity statement available on its website, as well as jobs available to journalists that focus on stories related to diversity. Other newsrooms are focused on showing a variety of people through their platforms and being more subtle. 

Broadcasters have a variety of backgrounds, and newsrooms are seeking out a variety in the people that they hire. This means that the future of broadcasters is bright, welcoming and most importantly inclusive. Broadcasters are responsible to tell you stories of the past, present and future. To look at any of those, we need broadcasters to be aware that people are not the same and be aware that each community has some form of diversity.