Staff Writer
Café on Prince is a well-known restaurant in Athens. It offers a range of entrees as well as sides. Café on Prince is located inside of Piedmont Athens and is open to the public.
Piedmont students feel as though they should be entitled to one of the three: free meals from the Café as a part of tuition, half off of their meals with a Piedmont ID or the option of paying a meal plan in addition to tuition.
Most students have breaks between classes, and some students commute from very far away, which requires them to stay on campus during their breaks. Also, some students have both morning and night classes which require them to stay on campus all day. Piedmont Athens should offer an optional meal plan for the students who find it necessary.
Since the Café on Prince is already located inside of Piedmont an arrangement should be made between the two establishments in order to benefit the students.
When asking students if they would pay an additional tuition fee for a meal plan, ten out of ten students said they would love to at least have the option. Seven out of ten said they would take advantage of a meal plan. Students argued that the tuition price they already pay should be enough to cover the cost of at least one free meal a day, if not more.
The student center is located right beside the Café, and students are forced to smell the food of the Café and hear the conversations and laughter of the Café’s public customers. Nine out of ten students said they are bothered by the amount of public customers that enter Piedmont and are sometimes uncomfortable by it.
The Café is a nice restaurant with great food. However, if the Café does not offer any benefits to the students of Piedmont Athens, why is it located inside of the school?
Photos by MAHEEN RAE