MANE or Mentor And Natigate Entry, is a voluntary leadership position upperclassmen can take to help out incoming students feel welcomed and help them situate themself to the new college life. This year, the Class of 2027 got to have the MANE experience starting from summer orientation held June 8th, June 20th, and July 11th. Each orientation, first year students get to meet with their designated MANE leader and get to ask questions about campus, classes, go through informational sessions and more. Freshman also got to try out something new called MANE Play with the addition of a secondary option. MANE Play is an active exercise to get the freshman warmed up to new friends and MANE leaders and making connections. One choice was to scream, shout and get active while another choice was much calmer with painting and relaxed conversations. Freshman Delyna Fuller mentioned, “I liked playing MANE Play and all the activities they [MANE Leaders] made us do.” She also loved the free merchandise giveaways. There was a lot of positive feedback from both options so two options will likely return next orientation. Something that has been a common thought by the Class of 2027 about the session was its stillness, freshman Kalia Powell mentioned, “What I did not like about MANE orientation was sitting in the session for what felt like 3 million hours.” In agreement to Fuller, “I didn’t like sitting through all those sessions.” The session was information presentations about topics like financial aid, the bookstore, residential living, campus safety, and more information important for the new freshmen coming into campus. Due to many not liking how much sitting was involved, there is hope future MANE experiences will either be shorter or broken up into shorter blocks. The main reason for MANE is to have freshmen welcomed to Piedmont University and help them with their transition to college. Freshman Ans Robinson agrees on her MANE Leaders helping her transition, “I would say so! They definitely told me how it was going to be and helped me know what college life was like!” Powell also stated that, “My MANE leader definitely showed me the kindness Piedmont offers and the great things this school has.” MANE Leadership is a valuable tool for Piedmont University, generating friendships and passing on lessons and advice to incoming freshmen. With behind the scenes issues, the MANE Leaders will be having a debrief with Student Life to make sure next year MANE will go more smoothly.