Leaving Piedmont to embark on our next destination for self-discovery and professional development fills our hearts with mixed emotions.
We are happy because we feel we are ready; our two years here have changed the trajectory of our lives and sense of purpose. (Well, maybe not so much for Parker – he just knows things on a much deeper level than most humans.) We’ve clarified our mission. We believe the future depends on reminding everyone that we are not solo travelers through life. We believe part of our mission is helping others learn how to identify and connect with fellow travelers to share in the journey.
We are also sad; we will miss all of you. We’ll miss being able to walk out of our house and, within a five-minute walk, feel refreshed and recharged by simply seeing a familiar face saying “hello.”
Most of all, we are grateful. We were here to learn, and you have taught us things we could never glean from a book or a research article. You made us better therapists. You made us better beings.
Every journey begins with a goodbye and ends with a hello. Goodbye fellow travelers, we hope we helped make this part of our shared excursion more meaningful for you.
And now, as we part paths, we leave you with one of our well-loved quotes:
“Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves.” – Carol Pearson